The following command returns nothing after a couple of seconds (note the -nodebug switch): PS C:\Users\folder\daily_graph> cd 'c:\Users\folder\daily_graph' $='1' & 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe' 'c:\Users\user\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-20\pythonFiles\ptvsd_launcher.py' '-default' '-client' '-host' 'localhost' '-port' '55114' 'c:\Users\folder\daily_graph.py' This might be helpful when you cannot explicitly run your application for debugging, or when some preparations tasks are required.
Case: Use this approach to integrate the debugging process into the series of running processes on the remote server. On the main menu, click Debug > Attach to Process. Using the Python remote debug server configuration. Start Microsoft Visual Studio and open the script to be debugged. The Python window and any notebooks must be closed.

The interpreter works fine from command line. To start debugging Python code in ArcGIS Pro, use the following steps: In ArcGIS Pro, open the Geoprocessing pane of the tool to be debugged. If debugging an Action-based script, use the. However, using breakpoint() is more flexible and allows you to control debugging behavior via its API and use of the environment variable PYTHONBREAKPOINT. I have reinstalled VSC and Python (3.7), the issue continues just the same. Not exactly what youre looking for, but you can easily have your program break out to pdb (the Python debugger) by adding this line wherever you want your program to break out: import pdb pdb.settrace () You can then easily check variables like this: p variablename. From any script in the Python Script Editor, click the Start button (or press F5) or the Step button (or press F8). Under Windows 10, Visual Studio Code 1.33, after an update, can no longer run a python without debugging (scripts run fine with debugging though!).